Agency Integration - Modern JSON based file exchange

The next best way to integrate with the ISWC system is to exchange files on a batch basis (e.g. daily or weekly) using the JSON data exchange format. This file exchange format was launched as part of the ISWC modernization project in July 2020.

Send ISWC Submission transactions in the Modern JSON based file format

Societies can make submissions to the ISWC database using the new Modern JSON based file format. The core transaction types that should be implemented support assignment and maintenance of an ISWC based on the submission of work metadata (addSubmissions), the update of information on previously submitted metadata (updateSubmissions) and the deletion of previously submitted metadata(deleteSubmissions).

In addition more complex transaction types may be used by societies for deeper integration with the ISWC Database. These include transaction types for merging of existing ISWCs, various search operations and the management of workflow tasks. Alternatively, societies may choose to use the ISWC Agency Portal for these more complex transactions.

Download the PDF JSON File Format Specification here
Download the JSON File Format Developer Artefacts Zip File here

Make manual transactions via the ISWC Agency Portal

This web portal is available to all existing CIS-Net users and is authenticated through the same user name and password system. Key actions that can be carried out through this portal include:

  • Merging of two or more ISWCs where they have been identified as being associated with the same work

  • Viewing and approving / rejecting society workflow tasks

  • Searching and viewing existing ISWCs and associated metadata

  • Making once off submissions to assign new ISWCs where an ISWC is needed prior to the work being fully registered in a society's repertoire management system

Ingest Acknowledgement and Notification files in the new Modern JSON format from the ISWC Database to keep your society repertoire management system up-to-date

Allocated ISWCs and related metadata arising from submitted transactions are provided in Acknowledgement files from the ISWC Database and should be ingested to ensure your repertoire management system is in-synch with the ISWC Database.

In addition other societies can make changes to ISWCs and associated metadata for works in your repertoire management system. These changes are made available in Notification files from the ISWC Database. These files should be ingested to ensure your repertoire management system is in-synch with the ISWC Database. Notifications are available in two supported file formats: ISWC JSON Format and ISWC EDI Format.

Download the PDF JSON File Format Specification here
Download the JSON File Format Developer Artefacts Zip File here